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Farmview Commentary for April, 2017

Farmview Commentary for April, 2017

Farms, Nature, and Mankind Hello there everybody, and welcome to another edition of Farmview. Here in my monthly commentaries I obviously talk about issues that relate to, and affect agriculture. And I come at them from an ag point of view… hence the name of the column, “Farmview”. However, farmers aren’t alone in their battle…

Farmview Commentary for March, 2017

Farmview Commentary for March, 2017

Stray Cats, Dogs and Animal Rights Activists Welcome to another edition of Farmview. Much of the present day animal rights movement is not exactly what it appears to be. Today’s activists have taken what was once a sensible and noble goal of preventing cruelty to animals and turned it into a movement that puts animals…

Farmview Commentary for February, 2017

Farmview Commentary for February, 2017

The Knights of America’s Highways Hello, and welcome to another edition of Farmview. In this issue I’m going to talk about a group of people, whom without these good folks, farmers and ranchers could simply not survive! Thereby, we ourselves could not survive! And those people are … the knights of America’s highways…truck drivers! These…

Farmview Commentary for January, 2017

Farmview Commentary for January, 2017

The Precautionary Principle Hello, and welcome to another edition of Farmview. Have you ever heard of the “Precautionary Principle”? Well, it’s become a weapon if you will, used by many activist groups against the agricultural industry, and others as well. In some instances, the“Precautionary Principle” has been used in an attempt to drive innovative and…

Do you want to win $1,000,000?

Do you want to win $1,000,000?

Do you want to win $1,000,000? In 2017, 12 lucky Class A CDL holders will get a chance to win $1,000,000. Plus a chance to win an extra $100,000 for veterans via the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. No purchase necessary, but you must be a Class A CDL holder to win. For more information visit…

Farmview Commentary for December, 2016

Farmview Commentary for December, 2016

Christmas Tree Farms Hello there everybody and welcome to another edition of Farmview. It’s December, so I thought I’d talk a little bit about Christmas tree farms. When you think of a Christmas tree farm you probably don’t think of it as a traditional agricultural enterprise…. but it IS. Christmas tree farmers face many of…

Deck Your Cab with New Swag

Deck Your Cab with New Swag

This Holiday season Red Eye Radio is teaming up with Justin Original Worksboots, BlueParrott, Howes Lubricator, and FinditParts to help drivers around this great country Deck Their Cab with New Swag! Call 866-90-REDEYE from Midnight and 5a CST between November 14th and December 25th for your chance to win GREAT Holiday gifts! Random callers will…

Farmview Commentary for November, 2016

Farmview Commentary for November, 2016

Biodiversity Is something new growing in the fields, orchards and vineyards of many American farms? Well, yes and no. What’s going is biodiversity. But it’s not necessarily new. Farmers were the original environmentalists. However, biodiversity is taking deeper root on many farms, ranches and dairies. An increasing number of farmers are integrating wildlife habitats into…

Farmview Commentary for October, 2016

Farmview Commentary for October, 2016

Be A Rebel Here we go again! It seems like every time I turn on the news, whether it be on radio or television, someone’s talking about America’s “obesity epidemic”. Some holier than thou health nuts are not only blaming restaurants for how and what they serve, but now they’re also blaming farmers for growing…