Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy 15th Anniversary to Eric and Gary!

Happy 15th Anniversary to Eric and Gary!

“Happy 15th Year Anniversary” to Eric Harley and Gary McNamara for their tireless nights of quality entertainment and information. Here’s to another 15 years! From your Red Eye Radio Team!

SelecTrucks Enhances Walk-Away Lease Program, Adds Eligibility for Owner Operators

SelecTrucks Enhances Walk-Away Lease Program, Adds Eligibility for Owner Operators

SelecTrucks, one of the largest retailers of used trucks in North America, announced today new enhancements to its SelectLease fair market value (FMV) leasing program offered exclusively by Daimler Truck Financial, the captive financial services provider for Daimler Trucks North America.* The updated SelectLease FMV program benefits now include: eligibility for a single vehicle, allowing…

With You To Haul & Back

With You To Haul & Back

“It’s not easy to haul. To leave your family, your home, for weeks at a time. We get it, that’s why we’re here – around the clock and around the country. To help get you back home again and again…” For more information, visit