Category Archives: RER Rundown

It would be too expensive to teach Obama’s justice department lawyers not to lie

So here we are. The Justice Department lawyers got caught lying to a federal judge on Obama’s immigration executive order. So the judge said that they must take anti-lying (ethics) courses.  Justice Department said we can’t do that it would be too expensive to teach our lawyers not to lie! DOJ fights federal judge’s order…

Accept this or you are a bigot

Ladies, get over your discomfort of seeing male genitalia!   Your discomfort is the same as racism.   Thank goodness Obama is leading the way in this new civil rights movement!    These people are nuts. Charlotte Observer: Girls must try ‘overcoming discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in bathrooms

Contraception non-decision

The editors of the National Review say the Supreme Court non-decision on the “Sisters” contraception case was a “qualified victory.” The Supreme Court Gets It Mostly Right on Little Sisters

Here come the kiosks

Raise minimum wage, accelerate automation. Basic economics. -Gary Wendy’s Serves Up Big Kiosk Expansion As Wage Hikes Hit Fast Food

They lied and laughed

Former speechwriters of President Obama were on Charlie Rose’s show and laughed about creating the Obamacare lie. Yes, lying to Americans about being able to keep their insurance and doctor was really funny. -Gary Obama’s Speechwriters Laugh About Lying To Us Obama’s Speechwriters Laugh About Lying To Us

Driver Impairment

The report from WA state just came out, that fatalities related to pot in car crashes has increased. But another report showed that tests for driver impairment are flawed. -Gary Scientific basis for laws on marijuana, driving questioned

Social Justice Training

Would you want your son or daughter to have to undergo mandated social justice training at college? Here it comes. -Gary Oregon State University to Force All Students to Take ‘Social Justice Training’

Myths about blue collar jobs

Well known TV star and advocate for teaching young people a trade, even when they go to college, dispels what he believes are more myths about “blue collar jobs.” A great article to share. -Gary The Dirtiest Man On TV Dispels 5 Damaging Myths About Blue Collar Labor

Airports to start zapping drones to protect airspace?

With drones now becoming a problem at airports worldwide, here’s a possible solution!    Okay, it’s not really a death ray.   -Gary ‘Death ray’ could be used at Heathrow to shut down flying drones

This is why we’re doomed!

Addiction to cell phones is so great that since we won’t look up to save our lives, this city has installed traffic lights in the sidewalks!   -Gary This city embedded traffic lights in the sidewalks so that smartphone users don’t have to look up