Take control of your truck’s variable cost per mile, fixed costs, and more

Issues of cost-control are top of my mind for owner-operators in trucking — and never more so today, given the wild ride diesel prices and general inflation have been on over 2022 and 2023. The evolution of small-business accounting can help generate profit/loss statements in near real-time, yet truly touching the numbers, however you do it, will help tighten your grip on cost evaluation to make the adjustments needed for greater profits.

This video excerpts Red Eye Radio host Eric Harley’s roundtable conversation at the 2023 Mid-America Trucking Show with owner-op business coach and Overdrive contributor Gary Buchs, ATBS Vice President Mike Hosted, and Overdrive Editor Todd Dills about the Partners in Business Overdrive/ATBS coproduction. Find the updated PIB manual and many more resources for owner-operator business management via http://overdriveonline.com/pib

ATBS is available for owner-operator tax advice and business consulting via http://atbs.com