Farmview Commentary for May, 2015

Hello there everybody, and welcome to another edition of Farmview. Here in my monthly commentaries I obviously talk about issues that relate to, and affect agriculture. And I come at them from an ag point of view… hence the name of the column, "Farmview".

However, farmers aren’t alone in their battle against radical activism and special interests that if go unchallenged, will damage the quality of life we all now enjoy. Small business, the construction industry, and even homeowners face many of the same challenges.

Let’s take construction as an example: the building of high- ways and bridges, the infrastructure itself. If this work can’t go on in a financially reasonable and timely fashion, because it might harm some field mouse, then we’re all put at risk.

At the heart of most of these foolish restraints against progress is how we’ve defined man’s relationship to nature. Too many people have accepted the false premise that nature is one thing and man is something else. Man is every bit as much a part of nature as anything else. Unless you believe mankind came from another planet…in that case, “phone home”.

If you view mankind as something different from nature, rather than part of nature, then you’re stuck with believing the interests of a tiny fish are more important than the interests of a child or any other human being for that matter.

I can’t think of any industry that is more deserving of some special consideration than agriculture. After all, farmers are just trying to grow food! If you’re an animal lover, and you love dogs, cats, or hamsters, where do you think their food comes from? That’s right, you got it … agriculture! When it comes to agriculture, nature and mankind, please just simply use some common sense.

That’s it for now. Until next time, always remember… no farms, no food! So long.

Joe Scott's opinions are his own, and not necessarily those of this website or its sponsors