Farmview Commentary for March, 2015

Welcome to another edition of Farmview. Much of the present day animal rights movement is not exactly what it appears to be. Today’s activists have taken what was once a sensible and noble goal of preventing cruelty to animals and turned it into a movement that puts animals above humans, and believes in using any means necessary to achieve total animal liberation.

Extreme animal rights groups are at complete odds with most livestock farmers; who provide our nation with healthy, nutritious and affordable… let me repeat affordable meat and diary products. Maybe instead of putting stray cats and dogs in the animal pound we should round up some radical animal rights people and put them in the pound! Then, if after six weeks nobody comes to get them … okay, we can give them cab fare home. But that’s all!

Today’s radical animal rights organizations don’t want us to eat any meat or dairy, and they don’t want us to wear leather shoes or boots either. Some animal rights groups not only want to put an end to livestock farming but they want to ban hunting, fishing, rodeos and a whole lot of other activities as well. And remember, no livestock farming means no dairy production; and that means no cheese. No cheese!! Not even on my pizza?!! No way!

Let me know what you think. You can email me by simply going to my web site at That's it for now. Until next time, always remember…no farms, no food! So long.