Hello, and welcome to another edition of Farmview. Have you ever heard of the “Precautionary Principle”? Well, it’s become a weapon if you will, used by many activist groups against the agricultural industry, and others as well. In some instances, the “Precautionary Principle” has been used in an attempt to drive innovative and safe ag technologies out of business… not to mention stopping some agricul- tural production all together.
When it comes to the future of farming, which means the future of our food supply, in my view, this so-called “principle” is a very dangerous thing indeed. The use of the “Precautionary Principle” creates a world in which just imagining things that might happen actually becomes the reason to regulate all kinds of industries, including agriculture.
Here is what the “Precautionary Principle” states:
“Whenever an activity raises just a threat of harm to the environ- ment or human health, precau- tionary action should be taken to stop that activity, even if scientific cause-and-effect relationships have not been established.” In other words, just because some alarmist activist group believes this or that harm may be done to people or the environment, in this case by agriculture, that particular ag activity must stop!
Hey, that not only promotes junk science, that’s stinkin’ thinkin’. We have enough real problems in the world without some extreme activist groups making some up!
Let me know what you think. You can email me by simply going to my web site at farmviewradio.com. That’s it for now. Until next time, always remember…no farms, no food! So long.