ATA Counsel Interviews
Interview with ATA President & CEO Bill Graves
Interview with ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello
Interview with ATA SVP of Legislative Affairs Mary Phillips
Interview with Incoming ATA Chairman Mike Card
Industry Interviews
Aerofficient Interview with Marty Fletcher
Alcoa Interview with Michael Baird & Todd Hershberger
ALK Technologies Interview with Craig Fiander
Alternative Hydrogen Solutions Interview with Charlton Coats
Central Freight and ATA National Driver of the Year Interview with Ron Fuller
Continental Tires Interview with Clif Armstrong
Dynasys Interview with David Hancock
FleetRisk Advisors Interview with Vikas Jain
GPS Lockbox Interview with Jack Dovey
Intermec Interview with Jeff Sibio
Iowa80/Cat Scale Interview with Heather DeBaillie
Nextmail Interview with Dan Starr
PODPad Interview with Pat Patterson
Qualcomm Interview with Adam Kahn
QuikQ Interview with Marty Faber
Rand McNally Interview with Dave Muscatel and Emad Isaac
Rolling Strong Interview with Bob Perry
Samsung Interview with Chris Horner
Vigillo Interview with Steve Bryan
Volvo Interview with Frank Bio
XRS Interview with Rob Pallante
ZoomSafer Interview with Michael Riemer